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WSJ Seeks Deputy Editor for Middle East Bureau

The Wall Street Journal’s Middle East Bureau seeks an experienced deputy editor to help manage and oversee general news coverage of the region. The Middle East is experiencing a historic transformation. Regimes have fallen. Others are under tremendous strain. Borders are being tested. And powerful, often violent, new players are surfacing with plans to alter the landscape further. The result is a major news gathering challenge for the bureau as it seeks to generate major enterprise pieces while covering the story in real time for our digital platforms and incorporating social media, video and compelling graphics. The deputy would work with the bureau chief to wrangle resources; direct reporters; help plan security arrangements for correspondents; and work with our desks in London and New York to make sure we are producing a strong flow of real-time news to go along with our strong enterprise. The ideal candidate would have a working knowledge of the region and some editing/management experience. Some reporting, writing and travel may be involved but the heart of the job involves directing traffic from Dubai, where the position will be based. The deputy will report to Middle East Bureau Chief Bill Spindle. If interested, please contact Bill and Bruce Orwall at: Bruce.Orwall@wsj.com

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