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ProPublica Seeking Web Etitor

ProPublica is looking for a sharp-eyed, detail-oriented web producer to help with our daily story production.

Why you want this job: You’ll be integral to the daily operations of one of the most exciting newsrooms in the country. Our production team works in tandem with reporters, editors, designers and developers to put together story packages that are both exemplary pieces of journalism and forward-thinking in terms of design and execution. ProPublica’s Design & Production team values documentation, a mobile-first approach and inclusive, future-friendly design. We do not adhere to the idea of service desks or assembly lines.

A typical day at ProPublica might find you:

  • Coordinating with editors and reporters to keep the story schedule on track and up to date
  • Formatting and posting the latest articles to propublica.org via our CMS
  • Making photo and art selections to accompany what we publish
  • Coordinating schedules with photographers and illustrators we commission
  • Editing HTML and CSS to tweak layouts and features

Skills needed:

  • Ability to write clean, effective HTML and CSS
  • Basic to intermediate Photoshop
  • A solid design eye

The ideal applicant is highly organized and detail-oriented. She cares deeply about editorial content and making the best selections possible to support the material we report. This is not always a 9-5 job. Story publication times range widely and sometimes require short bursts of late night and weekend work.

We are committed to diversity and especially encourage members of underrepresented communities to apply, including women, LGBTQ people, people of color, and people with disabilities.

The position is based in our newsroom in New York. Send applications to david.sleight@propublica.org. Be sure to include a link to your portfolio or work you feel is most relevant.

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