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NYFWA Members Share Fond Memories After Learning About the Passing of Joseph Duome

Longtime NYFWA member Joseph J. Duome passed away on October 25th, just a week after celebrating his 97th birthday with all of his family. His funeral was held on October 31st at St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church in Newtown, PA. And his mark on the NYFWA was made incredibly clear in the many fond memories…

Written by

Britt Erica Tunick

Published on

October 30, 2014
BlogMember News

Longtime NYFWA member Joseph J. Duome passed away on October 25th, just a week after celebrating his 97th birthday with all of his family. His funeral was held on October 31st at St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church in Newtown, PA. And his mark on the NYFWA was made incredibly clear in the many fond memories members who knew Duome shared upon learning of the news:

“I was very saddened to learn in recent days of the passing of Joe Duome,” said longtime NYFWA member Art Samansky, who went on to share the following: “Joe was a fine, giving and compassionate person, a gracious professional guide to me as I entered public relations, a friend, an extraordinary storyteller–who often regaled a small group of us, who regularly traveled the LIRR, with tales of journalism, public relations and all manner of things–and a true public relations professional. It was on the Follies stage where those who didn’t know him well were treated to his extraordinary thespian abilities. When he stepped onto that stage, all, from cast to audience, knew they were in for a treat. It wasn’t only because of his ability to deliver a line with just the right pause and look. What always amazed me, and many others, was his ability to ad lib without so much as a blink when the props failed (as they too often did), another performer forgot a line, or worse, threw the wrong one. Joe made it look like it was all scripted and not a flub at all. For those of us of a certain age, some of those ad libs took on a life of their own off the stage as well. He’ll be missed greatly.”

Longtime NYFWA member, former NYFWA president and current board member Claudia Deutsch also shared a sweet memory. “First, a bit of important background info.,” said Deutsch, noting: “I grew up poor in Manhattan — not hungry or homeless type of poor, but no-eating-out, no-summer-camp type of
poor. Joe knew that. Okay, skip ahead to the late-80s. I’m a reporter at the NY Times, and I have a lunch date with Joe. I don’t remember what restaurant we had planned to go to, just that it was several blocks from the Times building. The day arrives, and it is pouring outside, a true deluge. Joe calls and suggests we go instead to Sardi’s, which was right next to the backdoor of the Times. I agreed, we met there, and about five minutes into our first glass of wine, Joe leans back, smiles, and says, ‘When we were kids, would either of us have believed that not only would we be dining at Sardi’s, but that Sardi’s would be our default-position restaurant if for some reason we couldn’t make it to our first choice?’ Every time things have not gone as well as I’d hoped, I’ve thought back to that comment and realized how far I had come in life. He truly gave me a gift that keeps on giving.”

Longtime NYFWA member Myron Kandel shared his thoughts on Duome’s passing with the following: “To those of us who knew him, Joe was always larger than life — as a friend, a highly professional and trustworthy PR professional, as a Financial Follies thespian and in his later years as a talented novelist. He was always good for a pat on the back, for a laugh, for a serious discussion of journalism and other issues of the day. It was a pleasure to be with him. His support of and participation in the work of the New York Financial Writers’ Association over many years was invaluable. His passing helps end an era in financial communications, and he will be remembered as well as missed.”

And similarly fond memories were shared by longtime NYFWA member Robert Flaherty, who had the following to say: “Joe Duome was an ace IR guy. More importantly, Joe cared about people. He was always there when a friend needed him. After reaching 97 and after a long and useful life Joe has gone to his reward. I smile remembering his many skits in our annual Financial Follies or when he made me learn a Japanese greeting so a Japanese CEO speaker at one of our meetings would feel at home. I remember many happy and good things of a life well lived.”

Condolences can be sent to Duome’s daughter Margaret can at the following e-mail address: margaretrose@earthlink.net

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