Early Bird Pricing for Members and Associates: use coupon ” CC76DB74 ” at checkout. Ending April 15th.

Event Name:
Utilizing AI in Journalism —A Workshop

[April 3,2025|New York]

Start Time: 6:30 pm
Finish Time: 7:30 pm

Event Details:

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Location: {acf_main_event_city}
(Specific location available only to Members. For Guests the location will be mailed out closer to the event date of {acf_main_event_date:F j,Y}).

Are you a writer or journalist unsure about how to use Artificial Intelligence in your work?

Join the New York Financial Writers’ Association for an online class explaining how AI works and specific techniques that can help with your research. This online class will be taught by Columbia Journalism School Professor Jonathan Soma and Zach Seward, the New York Times’ editorial director of artificial-intelligence initiatives. Soma focuses on making unapproachable data accessible.

*Advance registration for this event is required.


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